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Middle Georgia Woodturners
Georgia National Fair - 2017 Woodturning Docent Volunteer List (Updated 27-Sep-17)
Middle Georgia Woodturners is a sanctioned local chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. The primary purpose of these clubs is to promote woodturning. That is, to introduce woodturning as an art form to the general public. One of the most rewarding aspects is to mentor someone (especially a youth) along the woodturning trail. There is an unsurpassed unselfish giving and sharing of ideas, techniques and information shown by woodturners worldwide. This quality is not found in any other craft. I have never met nor heard of a woodturner who was not willing to share his techniques and discoveries. There is a strong camaraderie among all woodturners. Anyone who is interested in learning, teaching, or sharing information or techniques in woodturning is welcome to be a part of our woodturning group. All members will be encouraged to become a member of the American Association of Woodturners.
Woodturning as an art form is becoming more popular in today's times. The lathe is used to make not just spindles such at baseball bats and chair legs. The wood lathe is used to make bowls, plates, platters, boxes, hollow forms, vessels, pens, spinning tops and other children's toys, ornaments, peppermills, and anything else that the turner has in mind. It is said that a turner is limited only by his (or her) imagination and his pocketbook. The wood lathe is unique in that the wood moves and the tool is applied to the spinning wood. With all other woodturning equipment, the cutter moves fast and the wood is applied to the cutter. The wood lathe is also unique in that it is the only machine that you really must have to make a project from start to finish in one session lasting usually an afternoon. All other woodworking projects require more than one (usually many) types of woodworking machines to complete a project. Also a lot of the projects made on the lathe are from scraps of wood that would be discarded by other woodworkers. To a woodturner, there's no such thing as scrap. Even the shavings are used for mulch, animal stable floor covering, pet bedding, or at the very least fuel to warm the shop.
Middle Georgia Woodturners meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6 pm.
Please feel free to contact us anytime through our Contact Us page or email:
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